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Frequently Asked Questions

What's the difference between the LifeGuard and QuadGuard?

The purpose of both options is to help provide space under an upturned quad bike, but they’re manufactured in different ways. The LifeGuard is made up of a number of various parts, whereas the QuadGuard one piece.

The main difference between the two is how they’re made. The QuadGuard is rotational moulded plastic, and a one-piece design, whereas the LifeGuard has a lot of parts, and the arc is made up of 60 individual segments held together by a fibre cable. The LifeGuard is a lot more flexible and can be refurbished if it gets damaged, whereas the QuadGuard will need to be replaced if damaged.

  • The QuadGuard isn’t as flexible as the LifeGuard but is still passive and a lot better than a steel bar if it hits you. It also means in some situations the QuadGuard provides more space under the quad if it rolls.
  • The LifeGuard requires more maintenance (keeping the tension at the correct setting, replacing the neoprene cover if necessary) whereas the QuadGuard has no moving parts, and a neoprene cover is optional.
  • The LifeGuard weighs 14.6kg and the QuadGuard weighs 7.2kg
  • The LifeGuard can still be used after it’s been involved in a rollover or if it is damaged, we have a refurbish kit. The QuadGuard may need to be replaced after a serious rollover if it’s damaged or deformed.

The QuadGuard has currently got an expected life span of 5 years on it, which will be reviewed each year and then confirmed at the end of 2024 or before if necessary.
The LifeGuard doesn’t have an expected lifespan as such – if maintained it should last for a lot longer than 5 years, but if not or if it gets damaged somehow it can be refurbished.

What is the QuadGuard made from?

The QuadGuard is rotational moulded plastic, carefully designed to provide the flexibility needed, while still maintaining the strength required to withstand the forces in a rollover.

Will the QuadGuard fit any ATV or Quad Bike?

The QuadGuard will fit any quad bike with a metal carrier

How is it mounted to the Quad Bike?

The QuadGuard simply clamps to the rear carrier of your quad, fitting most makes and models. Severe roll over testing has proved that this method is highly effective as the flexible character of the QuadGuard  soaks up the impact, and the carrier can easily sustain the forces required. The mounting brackets consist of two flat bars that can be swivelled at any angle, with hooks that rotate 360° to any position.

PLEASE NOTE - The QuadGuard fits most makes, but is not recommended for plastic carriers.

Where do the dogs sit?

Dogs love the QuadGuard! There’s space for at least 2-3 average size farm dogs, and it gives them something to lean on instead of your back.

Where do I put my sprayer?

Either on the front, or a small one (30L) can fit under the arc of the QuadGuard - if you have other items on the front of your quad and can’t put your sprayer there, the QuadGuard is super quick to fit/remove, so once you’ve finished spraying, remove the sprayer off the back and fit the QuadGuard. Another option is to use a different vehicle for spraying.

Once it’s had a rollover, is it still useable?

This will depend on the force of the rollover. If the QuadGuard is deformed after being involved in a rollover, it will need to be replaced. If you have a rollover, contact us if you’re unsure if it needs to be replaced.

What is the weight of the QuadGuard?

The QuadGuard is only 7.2kg including the fitting kit.

How easy is it to fit the QuadGuard - do I need to employ a technician?

The QuadGuard can easily be fitted by an individual, and there is no need to employ a technician, please make sure that you read the instruction books in detail, and follow the instructions. In any doubt please contact us.

What maintenance is required with the QuadGuard?

It is extremely important to ensure the mounting brackets are kept at the correct tension – too tight could damage the QuadGuard, and too loose may enable the QuadGuard to come off in a rollover.

Has the QuadGuard been tested in roll over conditions?

It certainly has! Before going to market the QuadGuard was tested in many ways, including rollovers with and without the rider. Check out our videos to see this.

How safe is the QuadGuard when fitted to an ATV/Quad?

In most situations, your quad bike is a lot safer with one fitted. The QuadGuard reduces the risk of serious injury or death, by offering some protection to the rider in the event of a roll over. We view it like a seat belt in a car - obviously it will not save every life but it will save a lot more by using one.  

How long will the QuadGuard last?

The QuadGuard currently has an expected lifespan of 5 years, which will be reviewed each year leading up to the first five years the QuadGuard is on the market, and confirmed by the end of 2024 or before if necessary.

How do I know if my QuadGuard is past its expiry date?

Find out what the serial number is, then visit our website and view the list of serial numbers and their expiry date. If your QuadGuard’s serial number has been removed, it will need to be replaced.

For further information, please feel free to contact us on +64 9 439 7166 or through our contact form on www.quadguard.com

What do the atv manufacturers say about CPDs?

Most ATV manufacturers will advise you not to fit any form of crush protection - if they did say to fit an extra aftermarket safety device to make their product safer, in effect it’s saying they are selling an unsafe machine – so you won’t get much support from them!

What else do I need to know?

Read through our product disclaimer for further information.